Cleanse your body of parasites naturally

Thursday, November 15, 2012

by: Dr. David Jockers (NaturalNews)
Life is good!

Parasites are living organisms that live off of a host organism. Parasites take and utilize the host organism’s nutrients and in so doing, hurt the host organism. Parasites take on a number of different forms and can thrive throughout the body. They most often live within the human intestines. Take action and cleanse your system of parasites naturally. It is estimated that about 50 percent of Americans have an abundance of parasitic organisms in their gut. Parasites enter the human body through the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. In third world countries, the most common way to encounter parasites is through contaminated water. Anyone traveling to a foreign country should be cautious in getting clean water. Poor sanitation and poor hygiene are the most common ways people encounter parasites. In America, parasites are spread through pork products, shellfish as well as contaminated food and water. There are thousands of different types of parasites that are common to humans. Protozoa consist of a single cell and multiply in enormous numbers inside the human intestine. The most commonly found protozoic parasites are giardia, neospora, amoebae, toxoplasmosis[toxoplasma gondii], cryptosporidium and sarcocystis. Another form of parasite is the Helminth worm. This includes tapeworms, pinworms, hookworms, threadworms, roundworms and others. Many individuals doing a parasite cleanse will see the worms in their stools as they are eliminated from the body. The body’s immune system goes after the parasites once they are identified. Often times, the parasites are extremely strong and multiply too quickly for the immune system to keep them at bay. Some of the most common symptoms associated with intestinal parasites include diarrhea, gas, bloating, flu-like symptoms, nausea, rashes, joint pain, chronic fatigue and chronic sinusitis. Destroy parasites in your body Parasites love sugar and everything that turns into sugar. So the best way to starve the parasites is through using healthy fasting and cleansing strategies while eliminating as much sugar and grains as possible from the diet. Several herbs and foods act as very strong anti-parasitic agents. 151726Extra virgin coconut oil is loaded with medium chain triglycerides that enhance the immune system in its battle against pathogens. Raw garlic and onions iStock_000021748528_ExtraSmall provide sulfur containing amino acids that are anti-parasitic. Eat six tablespoons of raw, extra virgin coconut oil, one whole clove of garlic and one large red onion daily to help parasite proof your body. Dried oregano and especially essential oil of 157573oregano are extremely volatile and anti-parasitic. Use two to three drops of oregano oil in water with fresh squeezed lemon and drink this three times a day. Clove works just as well so you could also substitute or use clove oil with oregano oil. Ginger, wormwood, black walnut are also commonly used in anti-parasitic strategies. Fasting with fermented drinks such as fermented whey from grass-fed cows and fermented ginger, kombucha, coconut kefir, apple cider vinegar, etc. are powerful tools to help destroy parasites. Many holistic health coaches recommend a three to 21 day low calorie, liquid diet that is rich in fermented beverages, water and fresh squeezed lemon. Probiotic supplements are highly recommended to help destroy parasites and re-inoculate the gut. After the cleansing period, it is especially important to utilize high quality, fermented raw dairy and vegetables. Raw, grass-fed fermented dairy products like amasai, cheese and kimchi, sauerkraut, and fermented veggies should be used abundantly. These foods are rich sources of L-glutamine, an amino acid that helps rebuild the gut. These fermented foods also contain very powerful strains of good bacteria, organic acids and enzymes that act to keep parasites out of the body.

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About the author:
Dr. David Jockers owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Ga. He is a Maximized Living doctor. His expertise is in weight loss, customized nutrition & exercise, & structural corrective chiropractic care. For more information go to
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