Tag Archives: tea


by Sandra EllisDr. Mom

As I have traveled among the plain people giving lectures and teaching classes, I have had many of the young mothers come up to me asking questions about pregnancy, labor, delivery, postpartum, and the challenges of early child rearing. As a midwife and mother, I recognize the challenges you are facing and admire your commitment to the greatest calling on earth–motherhood. Therefore, I am going to dedicate this column to a series of articles on this subject. We will begin in this catalog with pregnancy.

Pregnancy should be a time of joy, peace and excitement as this new child prepares to enter mortality. It will be easier to accomplish this if you are prepared mentally, emotionally and physically for the pregnancy. One of the first and most important items you need to focus on–even before you become pregnant–is nutrition. It is extremely important for your well-being and the future health of your child to make sure you are both getting what you need to be healthy. Research has shown that even as an adult, your child can be affected by what you ate and drank during your pregnancy, so it is important to be proactive in consciously choosing correct nutrition.

When I had my midwife practice, I was pretty strict about diet and supplements with my ladies. I wanted to make sure that we were working together to do everything in our power to ensure a healthy pregnancy, labor and birth. These are the instructions and explanations I gave to them:

Vitalerbs. . . . . . . . . . 5 capsules 3x’s/day with meals
Wheat Germ Oil. . . . . . . 2 capsules 2x’s/day until the last 6 weeks, then reduce to 1 capsule 2x’s/day
Liquid Chlorophyll. . . . . Tbsp 2x’s/day
Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 qt./day Choice of:
Dr. Christopher’s Pregnancy Tea
Red Raspberry Combination
3 parts Red Raspberry Leaf
1 part Comfrey
1 part Alfalfa
Red Raspberry Leaf
Concentrated Plant Source Minerals . . . . . . . . 1 tsp/day
Organic Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses . . . . . 1 Tbsp/day
Vitalerbs:  Using Vitalerbs or other pre-natal supplements taken from whole plant/food sources with your meals will help ensure that you are getting the nutrition you need for yourself and your baby. Most of our foods do not have all of the vitamins and nutrients they used to have, so it becomes necessary to supplement in order to replace the nutrients our foods are missing. Man is not smarter than the Creator, so we need to make sure the supplements we use are coming from whole foods/plants and are not synthetically made. If you are not getting enough nutrients for you and your baby, the baby will need to draw from your body what it needs. This means you could end up with teeth problems, bone problems, exhaustion, nausea and other problems during and after the pregnancy.

Wheat Germ Oil:  Wheat Germ Oil is high in vitamin E which is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Of ten referred to as the body’s glue–it seems to help in attaching and building a strong placenta. It helps in keeping the hormones balanced and it gets into the skin, making it more pliable. Hopefully, during birth this will assist in helping the mother to stretch and not tear.Liquid Chlorophyll:  Fresh wheatgrass juice or liquid chlorophyll is like liquid plant blood. Its molecular structure is very similar to our blood except for the red corpuscles which we make in the marrow of our bones. It is wonderful to use for helping to build strong blood, which hopefully will help the mother to not become anemic.

Tea:  There are 3 different choices listed. Add lemon, honey, mint, stevia–whatever will make the flavor such that you will enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t drink it. Make up a quart in the morning, put it in the refrigerator and then enjoy iced tea throughout the day. Native Americans have used Red Raspberry Leaf tea for centuries to help ensure a healthy pregnancy. Traditionally, it is said to be a uterine tonic, aid immune system, ease morning sickness, promote better circulation, tone the pelvic floor and assist in milk production.

Concentrated Plant Source Minerals:  It has been my experience that many women are lacking in trace minerals. A lack of trace minerals has been known to contribute to congenital birth defects, varicose veins, placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, stillbirths and low birth weight.Organic Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses:  Blackstrap is the byproduct of processing sugar cane or sugar beets into sugar. It contains all of the nutrients contained in the original cane. It has a low-glycemic index, so that the glucose is metabolized slowly which helps to keep the blood sugar levels stable. It is high in iron, folic acid, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and many other nutrients. These nutrients are beneficial in the development of many of the systems of the body including the central nervous system, the heart, bones, teeth and brain.

Dietary Suggestions:

Try to make 50% of the diet fresh, live foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts and fresh juices. We build life with life! When you are creating a new body, it is more important than ever to make sure you are getting plenty of live enzymes. This is easy to do if you concentrate on fruit in the morning and vegetables in the afternoon. Start with fresh fruit, green drinks or smoothies in the morning (add toast if you need something to settle your stomach). Snack on fruit throughout the morning. Then have a big salad for lunch. Snack on vegetables and nuts throughout the afternoon. Then, have a normal dinner. If you will do this, you have automatically made half of your diet live.Stay away from drugs, cigarettes and alcohol during pregnancy. These can be extremely detrimental to you and your child. Also, try to avoid processed foods and refined sugars.

25 Pelvic Rocks/day
50 Kegel exercises/day
Walk 1 mile/day
Breathe deeply every day

Pelvic Rocks:  Get on your hands and knees just before going to bed at night. These are done by slowly rolling the hips under (arching the spine which is sometimes known as a “cat stretch”). Bring the hips back up until the spine is straight. Repeat 25 times. This will help strengthen the lower back so the third trimester won’t be so hard. They are also good for encouraging the baby to line up head down instead of breech.

50 Kegel Exercises:  These exercises strengthen the muscles used during childbirth. These are done by squeezing the muscles you would use to shut off the flow of urine and then releasing them. Instead of counting out 50 kegels, I suggest you program yourself to something you do every day–every time you do dishes or go to the bathroom, do 10 or 15 at a time. This will strengthen the pelvic floor and it will help you to recognize how to control these muscles, so that when you are in labor you will be able to relax them easier.

Walk 1 Mile:  Walking a mile a day is not only good exercise, but it allows you some quiet time. It will give you a chance to breathe deeply, taking oxygen to every cell in your body. It will also give you time to talk to your baby. Every child has the right to come into this world knowing they are loved and wanted. Communicate with your baby–express your love and your excitement about having them in your life. It is amazing how much better labor and birth proceeds when the mother and baby are at peace and anxious to be together.Pregnancy is not a disease or an illness. It is a natural, incredible time of creation. We all marvel at the beauty of the first flowers in the Spring, the first blades of grass poking up through the ground after being dormant all winter and the awesome splendor of the fruit trees in bloom. We recognize all of this as God’s handiwork. How much more marvelous and awesome is it to think of a brand new human being growing within your womb–the perfect fingers and toes, the little button nose, the adorable tummy and bottom, the beautiful eyelashes and hair, all topped off by a unique personality with thoughts and ideas that have never been put together in just exactly this way before. I hope you will find joy in this precious time and that, together, you will both be healthy and strong!

Dr. Mom is a mother, a grandmother, a master herbalist, a midwife, an author and a teacher.

© 2013. This article is the property of Natures Warehouse.

Painful Teeth & Gums Journey

double pic of lady and green backgroundby Rebecca

on February 10, 2014

These past two months I have been wrestling with a returning pain in my upper and lower jaw, mostly on the right side. This pain was sharp and sudden, not the dull toothache I recall of yesteryear. The origin was never in the same place and never for the same reason. Sometimes I was eating oatmeal with the sweetness of honey, sometimes it came while eating yummy ice cream, sometimes from hot rice and other times while I was walking in the cold winter breezes. It was unpredictable and severe. What was going on in my mouth? From where was the pain coming? Was it from my teeth, my gums or from some other ailment in my body? I read that teeth pain could be a sign of heart disease or if untreated, the infection could go to the brain. My husband took pictures of my gums & teeth, and he looked into my mouth but we could not see any redness or abscess anywhere. Strange…there was no obvious sign of inflammation. I began a search for a holistic dentist. They were too far away or very expensive. One friend suggested the pain could be coming from my liver being too toxic. The sign of this was a swollen lymph node. Yes, the lymph nodes were swollen and the pain lessened when I rubbed the gland downwards. Hmm…interesting. I had Dr. Christopher’s formulas on hand for the Lower Bowel, Liver & Gall Bladder, Kidney and Bloodstream, Cleansing Herbs Dr Cso this suggestion was the motivation I needed to start me to use them in cleansing out the major organs. He gives direction in how to take these formulas in the 3 Day Cleansing book. I got some good results from taking these formulas. My lymph nodes were not as swollen but still the pain returned sometimes. I was very puzzled. I also took Oil of Oregano 157573diluted in Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oilwhen the pain would come until I got Dr. Christopher’s X-Ceptic.49706 This relieved the pain. Along the way I learned about Oil pulling. It attracts the bacteria as one swishes it around in the mouth. I tried Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Coconut Oil, but I preferred Coconut Oil,151726 first for the flavor, and second for the anti-viral & anti-bacterial properties. I swished 1 tsp. (1 Tbsp. was recommended, but my mouth was too small for that much). In my research on herbs, I put together a formula of herbs I had on hand: Peppermint for flavor and helps to reduce inflammation, Red Raspberry Leaf offers a source of calcium, magnesium and iron. Elecampane Root helps prevent tooth decay and Black Walnut rebuilds enamel of teeth. 4 Herbs for teeth painThis tea helped relieve the pain and I thought it was healing my teeth and gums. A well-versed person in herbs suggested Myrrh with its antibacterial properties. I added Myrrh to my tea and I was feeling better.510792 I thought all was well.

A few days later, the pain returned, even more intense. My husband begged me to go to the dentist for an x-ray. Finally, I called my dentist nearby, and they offered a good price so I went the next day for the x-ray. The news was not good. Four teeth on the right side (two on top and two on bottom) were in need of a root canal. I decided to go home and think about it. At least the dentist did not mention any infection below the gums. The cavity was only going close to my nerve.

I called the School of Natural Healing who told me to brush my teeth with Herbal Tooth Powder, then swish in my mouth Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Hydrogen PeroxideHydrogen Peroxide bottle after every meal and before going to bed. I prefer the Coconut Oil which I took instead of the Olive Oil. I brush with toothpaste I currently have until I get the order for the tooth powder and rinse with Hydrogen Peroxide diluted with water plus 1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil. 7585_Peppermint(1oz)_1Then I drink a couple of cups of the tea I had put together with the myrrh. Two weeks have past. My teeth are feeling fine with very minimal pain, if any. I will keep you updated in future posts….

As I researched, I have come across amazing discoveries of Coconut Oil, that I thought was only for Suntan Lotions. It has a lot of treasures in its hard brown shell which I hope to tell you in the next, upcoming article. Until next time, Rebe with the Herbs.