Tag Archives: Minerals

Immune Power For Seasonal Defense


By; Marcia Zimmerman, CN

“It’s very clear to see that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in a most delightful way” -Mary Poppins singing to her charges.

The Effect of Sugar on Immune Cells

Sugar indeed helps the “medicine” go down, but what effect does it have on white blood cells, the warriors of the immune system? An interesting study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed how much the neutrophils (a kind of white blood cell) drawn from test subjects were unable to engulf and digest (phagocytosis) the bacterium Staphylococcus. At the beginning of the test, each neutrophil was able to ingest and destroy an average of fourteen bacteria. After the folks drank a sugar containing beverage, each person’s phagocytes were able to gobble up on average only one bacterium before dying. Amazingly, the dampening effect lasted for up to 5 hours!1 Obviously, sugar in any form is one of the worst things to take with your “medicine.”  So what should you drink and eat when you have a cold or flu?

Foods to Boost Immune Cells

Chicken soup has been a time tested remedy for relief of upper respiratory tract infections. Scientists at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha decided to see what effect chicken soup has on chemotaxis (movement of neutrophils toward the site of infection). Chemotaxis is a life-saving event in acute injury or infection as neutrophils launch chemical warfare against invading bacteria or viruses. However, an overzealous response may lead to chronic inflammation and free radical damage. The researchers exposed activated neutrophils to chicken soup and found that it modified their aggressiveness and this in turn reduced inflammation. Homemade chicken vegetable soup worked best, but some commercial soups also slowed chemotaxis.2 Other nutrition-minded scientists even suggested that the Nebraska team should have used “free range” chickens in their soup to eliminate the possibility of antibiotic contamination from conventionally raised fowl.3

Now the “Medicine”

How do you prepare for seasonal defense besides skipping sugar and stocking chicken soup? Start with a good multiple vitamin and mineral combination.  A multi contains all the micronutrients necessary for the immune system to function efficiently.4 Several well controlled studies have shown that zinc3864Z_v9 and selenium, in particular, are essential for healthy immune function.5 Zinc functions as an intracellular signal molecule for immune cells and thus is essential for multiple cellular functions. Zinc supplementation has been successfully used as a therapeutic and preventive agent for many conditions.6 Selenium deficiency can induce changes in the genetic makeup of influenza viruses that induces conversion into a more potent strain.7 Zinc lozenges with elderberry are effective when a cold or virus first strikes.

During an infection, the need for vitamins and minerals increases because of reduced nutrient intake and metabolic alterations that reduce utilization. The need for micronutrient intake increases as one ages because a variety of changes occur in the immune system, and this translates into less effective immune response and increased susceptibility to infections.8 Perhaps this is why older folks seem to be especially at risk for seasonal infections.

The increased consumption of highly refined ingredients that have reduced levels of micronutrients, further affects the normal growth and development of immune cells. In particular, vitamins A, C, D and E plus the fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3; DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3; EPA) are often deficient.9  Molecularly distilled fish oil in enteric coated soft gel capsule (no fishy burp back) helps reduce inflammation.

There appear to be clear indications, from both animal and human studies, that supplements containing beta-glucans or glucan-containing mushroom preparations can be of help in relieving various immune-related symptoms.  Mushrooms rich in beta-glucans have been highly esteemed for centuries for their healing properties.10

Flu epidemics occur every 2 to 3 years in the United States, most often caused by influenza A viruses, which mutate rapidly. Consequently, antibodies generated to the previous strain have limited protection against a new viral strain.11 This leaves the body is a constant state of “catch-up.” Keeping your immunity up3299_v4 to snuff is the best way to stay healthy. Several botanicals have a remarkable history of effectiveness if you do catch a cold. These are elderberry, olive leaf extract, allicin stabilized garlic, oregano oil, arabinogalactans and rosemary.12 If your doctor puts you on antibiotics for a more severe complication, be sure and add a good probiotic and prebiotic combination.

1 Sanchez, A.; et al; “Role of Sugars in Human Neutrophilic Phagocytosis” Amer J Clin Nutr 973,26:1180-84.
2 Rennard, B.O.; et al.; “Chicken Soup Inhibits Neutrophil Chemotaxis in Vitro” Chest 2000;118:1150-57.
3 Durfee, A.; Rennard, S.I.; “Free Range Chicken Soup” Chest 2001;119:1978.
4 Barringer, T.H.; et al.; “Effect of a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement on Infection and Quality of Life” Ann Int Med 2003;138:365-371.
5 Beck, M.A.; “Antioxidants and Viral Infections: Host Immune Response and Viral Pathogenicity”  J Nutr 2001;20:384S-388S.
6 Prasad, A.S. “Zinc: Role in Immunity, Oxidative Stress and Chronic Inflammation” Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care Aug 25 2009; [epub ahead of print]
7 Nelson, H.K.; et al.; “Host Nutritional Selenium Status as a Driving Force for Influenza Virus Mutations” FASEB J June 8, 2001; 10.1096/fj.01-0115fje.
8 Intergerst, E.S.; et al.; “Contributions of Selected Vitamins and Trace Elements in Immune Function” Ann Nutr Metab 2007;51:301-23.
9 Wichers, H.; “Immunomodulation by Food: Promising Concept for Mitigating Allergic Disease?” Anal Bioanal Chem 2009;395:37-45.
10 Webb, A.L.; Villamor, E.; “Update: Effects of Antioxidant and Non-Nutritive Vitamin Supplementation on Immune Function” Nut Rev 2007;65:181-217.
11 Roxas, M.; Jurenka, J.; “Colds and Influenza: A Review of Diagnosis and Conventional, Botanical, and Nutritional Considerations” Altern Med Rev 2007;12:25-48.

© 2014 Reposted with permission from NOW University. This article can be found at: http://www.nowuniversity.com/Library/HealthConcerns/AllergyImmuneSystem/077946.htm

Trace Mineral Power Paks Outshine Emergen-C

Blog_Photo(11-6)Fizzy? Check. Tasty? Check. Hydrating? Check. Immune Boosting? Check.

Looking for Emergen-C? Then what you REALLY want is Trace Mineral’s Electrolyte Stamina Paks!

We know you count on Vitamin C for your immune booster of choice, reaching for it FIRST when a sniffle comes on… So did you know that our great-tasting Power Paks contain 200 mg MORE Vitamin C per packet than Emergen-C? That’s right! Power Paks contain a full 1,200 mg of Vitamin C! And that isn’t the only thing that makes Power Paks better. Power Paks also contain MORE magnesium, MORE B12, and MORE folic acid then Emergen-C- the full list is below!

Power Paks also contain Trace Minerals’ Concentrace Mineral formula, which includes over 70 essential trace minerals, boosting electrolytes, hydration, and immune strength.

Of course, there are some things Power Paks have less of. Some examples are Sugar, Calories. Carbs. Unlike Emergen-C, Power Paks don’t contain maltodextrin, which is an artificial sugar; rather, Power Paks are sweetened with Stevia, and contain natural flavors. Power Paks are also certified Vegan, and Gluten Free.

300053 Power Pak OrangeMake the smart switch, and you and your family will love the taste and the results, of Trace Minerals’ Power Paks.

Supplement FactsServing Size 1 Packet
Emergen-C Power Paks
Amount Per Serving 1 Serving = 8.8 g % Daily Value 1 Serving = 7.4 g % Daily Value
Calories 25  15
Total Carbohydrate 6 g 2%** 3 g
Sugars 5 g  3 g
Vitamin C 1,000 mg 1,667% 1200 mg 2000%
Thiamin 0.38 mg 25% 450 mcg 30%
Riboflavin 0.43 mg 25% 1 mg 59%
Niacin 5 mg 25% 5 mg 25%
Vitamin B6 10 mg 500% 10 mg 500%
Folic Acid 12.5 mcg 3% 20 mcg 5%
Vitamin B12 25 mcg 417% 30 mcg 500%
Pantothenic Acid 2.5 mg 25% 3 mg 30%
Calcium 50 mg 5% 60 mg 6%
Phosphorus 38 mg 4%
Magnesium 60 mg 15% 100 mg 25%
Zinc 2 mg 13% 3 mg 20%
Manganese 0.5 mg 25% 1 mg 50%
Chromium 10 mcg 8% 10 mcg 8%
Sodium 60 mg 3% 225 mg 9%
Potassium 200 mg 6% 200 mg 6%
Alpha Lipoic Acid 1 mg *** 1 mg ***
Quercetin 1 mg ***    
Boron 175 mcg ***
ConcenTrace® (Electrolyte trace mineral complex) 100 mg ***
**Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.***Daily Value not established.

Emergen-C other ingredients: Fructose, citric acid, natural orange flavors, malic acid, orange juice powder, tapioca maltodextrin, silica, beta carotene, glycine, aspartic acid, tartaric acid, and cysteine hydrochloride.

Power Paks Other Ingredients: Crystalline fructose, citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, natural orange flavor, stevia, silica. Plus over 72 naturally occuring trace minerals and elements from ConcenTrace.

©2014 Nature’s Warehouse

Sources:  For the Emergen-C Nutritional Facts: http://www.emergenc.com/products#original-formula.super-orange

For the Trace Minerals Power Pak Nutritional Facts,  http://www.traceminerals.com/products/energy-performance/electrolyte-stamina-power-pak-vitamin-c




herbs 200dpiMishelle Knuteson MH

I was recently talking with a friend, and she was telling me that she was taking iodine tablets and liking the results that she was receiving from them. My concern for her was that these tablets are chemically based, and I didn’t want her to suffer any side effects that may result.  I was thinking up an herbal formula that may assist her naturally rather than chemically when I was reminded of how complete and wonderful Dr. Christopher’s Vitalerbs formula is. It contains just the right blend of vitamins and minerals that are easy to assimilate.

 Most whole foods contain a varied list of nutritional and medicinal properties. Listed are just a few benefits the herbs give to the Vitalerbs formula:

 Alfalfa ~ a rich reservoir of nutrients and primarily works as a detoxifier of the blood and reducer of inflammation. High in beta-carotene, chlorophyllins [and] Vitamins A & C.

Dandelion ~ abundance of minerals, commonly used for the liver and as a diuretic because of its bitter properties. High in iron, manganese, phosphorus, and electrolytes sodium and potassium.

Kelp ~ works on the metabolic rate, thyroid activity and detoxifying the body. High in iodine, calcium, magnesium, niacin, potassium, selenium [and] sodium.

Purple Dulse ~ most mineral rich plant. Alkalizes and cools the blood to help reduce congestion. Contains iodine, amino acids, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, fluorine, manganese, phosphorus, potassium [and] sodium.

Spirulina ~ also known as blue-green algae. It is a concentrated food source that can act as an appetite suppressant. Good source of protein, manganese, riboflavin, thiamine, iron, chromium, magnesium [and] zinc.

Irish Moss ~ balances hormonal deficiency especially in the thyroid and [promotes] metabolism. Very good for the digestive system and [a] source for electrolytes. High in calcium, magnesium, sodium and iodine.

Rose hips ~ great source for bioflavonoids and Vitamin C. Strengthens the circulatory system, capillaries and connective tissue. The astringent properties help to reduce inflamed tissue.

Beet ~ perfect for cardiovascular health. Rich in Vitamin C, betaine, magnesium, iron [and] potassium.

Nutritional Yeast ~ complete protein and good source for complex B vitamins. Helps your body to convert food into energy.

Cayenne~ One of the best stimulants for all body systems. Increases blood circulation and perspiration, reduces blood pressure, increases production of digestive fluids and fights infection. High in Vitamin C , Vitamin A, B-complex vitamins and flavonoid antioxidants.

Blue Violet ~ effective expectorant that works to clear the upper respiratory system, cleanses the blood and calms the nerves. Improves the body’s resistance to disease and infection. High in vitamin A and C.

Oat Straw ~ aids calcium absorption. Helps prevent osteoporosis and assists the urinary tract. Excellent source of the major mineral[s] including magnesium and calcium.

Carrot ~ rich source of carotenes and Vitamin A which is a powerful natural antioxidant. Contains healthy levels of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus.

Ginger ~ a very effective digestive stimulant. The phenolic oleoresins and volatile oils in this herb give it amazing antimicrobial properties.

Barley Grass Juice ~ High in chromium and thiamine which helps the process of metabolizing carbohydrates and producing glucose. High in potassium, the principal catalyst in intracellular fluids and [in] digestive enzyme function.

Wheat Grass Juice ~ nutrient packed. Enhances the immune system, destroys bacteria and removes toxins. Contains protein forming amino acids that the body needs to digest food.

Vitalerbs are made from whole plants giving you all the 89138healthful benefits without the side effects common with a chemically isolated supplement. They are a great addition to even the healthiest diet.

Mishelle Knuteson is certified in Rapid Eye Technology (RET) an emotional release therapy, teaches classes in The Art of Feminine Presence and a Master Herbalist ~ graduate of The School of Natural Healing. Mishelle currently works as an Educative Master Herbalist (MH) for The School of Natural Healing and as Office Manager of Christopher Publications.

©2013 Used with permission from Herbal Legacy.
This article can be found at:  http://articles.herballegacy.com/vitalerbs/.