Tag Archives: hormones

Pumpkin Panacea

By: David Christopher M.H.

When Europeans discovered America they found a plethora of new flora. We have mentioned the importance of the discovery of the capsicum family in previous issues, and everyone knows about the discovery of corn and how it has benefited mankind. Another great find was the discovery of the family of squash.

Pumpkin is a Native American squash that is so popular that it is now grown on all continents except Antarctica. Many consider it as a super food with wonderful medicinal qualities. Just one cup supplies 245% of the daily required value for Vitamin A. It also contains good amounts of the B complex, Vitamin C, K, and with the seeds it contains the full spectrum of vitamin E (alpha, delta and gamma-Tocopherols plus the newly discovered [Tocotrienols]). It is also a good source of Copper (14%), Iron (10%), and contains Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium and Zinc.

The seeds also contain Zinc at the rate of 10 mg. per 3.5 oz. Just the color of pumpkins would indicate a high Carotene content, having both [α-Carotene] (amounting to 515 mcg.) and [β-Carotene] (3100 mcg.) Other phyto-nutrients include [β-Cryptoxanthin] (2145 mcg.) and Lutein-zeaxanthin (1500mcg.) All excellent for good eyesight, a healthy heart and wrinkle-free skin.

Pumpkins are high in nutrients and also high in fiber but low in calories, making them a good food for weight loss. While losing weight with [eating] pumpkin, one might also notice a reduction in hay fever symptoms, migraines and earaches. The cold mashed-up pulp has been used to counter burns and the leaves have been used to reduce the swelling in sprains, lower fevers, cure diarrhea, and ward off cancer.

The seeds are remarkable. The consumption of the seeds reduces prostate enlargement and reduces the possibility of prostate cancer. The seeds have been used for kidney problems (including kidney stones),  gout, edema and even [for] getting rid of tape worms. Another miracle: the seed oil reduces symptoms of female hormone insufficiency. We would all benefit by eating more of this wonderful squash. Pumpkins aren’t just for carving and smashing.

David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also co-hosts the popular radio show “A Healthier You” and is a popular international teacher and lecturer. 

©2013 Re-posted with permission from Herbal Legacy. This article can be found at: http://articles.herballegacy.com/pumpkin-panacea/.

Female Formulas

By Judith Carter, M.H.

Over the years I have come to love Dr. Christophers formulas for women, namely Female Reproductive89121 and Hormonal Changease.89123 These two formulas have been a blessing to so many of my friends, family and clients. So let me tell you a few of their stories.

My daughter’s friend had cramping and a lot of clotting with her cycle, making her sick and causing her a lot of pain. My daughter told her about how she had taken Hormonal Changease and Female Reproductive and now she never [gets] sick or ha[s] painful cycles. It wasn’t long before this girl’s mother, who had the same problems as her daughter but worse, called me and wanted to know more about the herbs my daughter was taking. I taught her about these two formulas and now neither one of them are dealing with large clots or cramps with their cycles each month. The Mom also told me that they have found that their cycles are lighter and don’t last as long and that the dreaded PMS is not a problem either. At first they took what was recommended on the bottle for each formula, but now that their reproductive organs have been cleansed and strengthened over the years, they only take one capsule of each formula a day and still have wonderful results.

I’ve had many mothers call me over the years to help them with the problems that so many girls experience with their cycles, even the lack of having a cycle. One friend was 16 or 17 and hadn’t started her cycle yet and was worried that something was wrong with her. After taking these two formulas for one month, she started having a regular cycle and was able to stop worrying.

I hear a lot of women who are concerned about miscarriage and especially infertility. One woman who already had four children knew there was still one more child that needed to come to their family. Every time she would become pregnant, it would end in a miscarriage. She went home and started taking Female Reproductive and Hormonal Changease. I always tell people to give it at least 3 months before they draw any conclusions on whether it’s working or not. Well, a couple months later she was pregnant and now has a beautiful daughter, making their family complete.

Another lady had been trying for years to get pregnant but was crushed every month when there would be no baby. She was very healthy and trained like an Olympian, so the doctors had her cut back on her training. She had a wonderful career and was told that if she went home and relaxed, she might conceive. After following this advice and trying all the fertility therapies and drugs, she was still not getting pregnant. Finally a friend told her about the success she’d had with herbs. So, once again, there was a phone call and we talked about Female Reproductive and Hormonal Changease. I told her not to expect anything for at least 3 months. Well, about 3 months later she had the happy news that they were expecting! Now, every time they want to have another child she goes and gets these two formulas and in a few months they have one on the way…the last time I heard, they had 3 children.

Herbs aren’t cheap but they certainly don’t compare to the thousands of dollars this couple spent on infertility treatments. So when a close friend confided in me that they had been trying to get pregnant and nothing was happening, I told them a few Hormonal Changease and Female [R]eproductive stories. They were going to see an infertility doctor in a month and we decided it wouldn’t hurt to try the supplements until then. (She took the recommended daily amounts on the bottles of Hormonal Changease and Female Reproductive along with Wheat germ oil capsules). Let’s just say they didn’t end up going to their appointment.

You gotta love Female [R]eproductive and Hormonal Changease!

Judith Carter is a Master Herbalist graduate of The School of Natural Healing, graduated from the International Institute of Iridology as a Holistic Iridologist and is certified in acupressure.

© 2013. Used by permission of Herbal Legacy. This article can
be found at http://articles.herballegacy.com/female-formulas/