Tag Archives: garlic

Immune Power For Seasonal Defense


By; Marcia Zimmerman, CN

“It’s very clear to see that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in a most delightful way” -Mary Poppins singing to her charges.

The Effect of Sugar on Immune Cells

Sugar indeed helps the “medicine” go down, but what effect does it have on white blood cells, the warriors of the immune system? An interesting study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed how much the neutrophils (a kind of white blood cell) drawn from test subjects were unable to engulf and digest (phagocytosis) the bacterium Staphylococcus. At the beginning of the test, each neutrophil was able to ingest and destroy an average of fourteen bacteria. After the folks drank a sugar containing beverage, each person’s phagocytes were able to gobble up on average only one bacterium before dying. Amazingly, the dampening effect lasted for up to 5 hours!1 Obviously, sugar in any form is one of the worst things to take with your “medicine.”  So what should you drink and eat when you have a cold or flu?

Foods to Boost Immune Cells

Chicken soup has been a time tested remedy for relief of upper respiratory tract infections. Scientists at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha decided to see what effect chicken soup has on chemotaxis (movement of neutrophils toward the site of infection). Chemotaxis is a life-saving event in acute injury or infection as neutrophils launch chemical warfare against invading bacteria or viruses. However, an overzealous response may lead to chronic inflammation and free radical damage. The researchers exposed activated neutrophils to chicken soup and found that it modified their aggressiveness and this in turn reduced inflammation. Homemade chicken vegetable soup worked best, but some commercial soups also slowed chemotaxis.2 Other nutrition-minded scientists even suggested that the Nebraska team should have used “free range” chickens in their soup to eliminate the possibility of antibiotic contamination from conventionally raised fowl.3

Now the “Medicine”

How do you prepare for seasonal defense besides skipping sugar and stocking chicken soup? Start with a good multiple vitamin and mineral combination.  A multi contains all the micronutrients necessary for the immune system to function efficiently.4 Several well controlled studies have shown that zinc3864Z_v9 and selenium, in particular, are essential for healthy immune function.5 Zinc functions as an intracellular signal molecule for immune cells and thus is essential for multiple cellular functions. Zinc supplementation has been successfully used as a therapeutic and preventive agent for many conditions.6 Selenium deficiency can induce changes in the genetic makeup of influenza viruses that induces conversion into a more potent strain.7 Zinc lozenges with elderberry are effective when a cold or virus first strikes.

During an infection, the need for vitamins and minerals increases because of reduced nutrient intake and metabolic alterations that reduce utilization. The need for micronutrient intake increases as one ages because a variety of changes occur in the immune system, and this translates into less effective immune response and increased susceptibility to infections.8 Perhaps this is why older folks seem to be especially at risk for seasonal infections.

The increased consumption of highly refined ingredients that have reduced levels of micronutrients, further affects the normal growth and development of immune cells. In particular, vitamins A, C, D and E plus the fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3; DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3; EPA) are often deficient.9  Molecularly distilled fish oil in enteric coated soft gel capsule (no fishy burp back) helps reduce inflammation.

There appear to be clear indications, from both animal and human studies, that supplements containing beta-glucans or glucan-containing mushroom preparations can be of help in relieving various immune-related symptoms.  Mushrooms rich in beta-glucans have been highly esteemed for centuries for their healing properties.10

Flu epidemics occur every 2 to 3 years in the United States, most often caused by influenza A viruses, which mutate rapidly. Consequently, antibodies generated to the previous strain have limited protection against a new viral strain.11 This leaves the body is a constant state of “catch-up.” Keeping your immunity up3299_v4 to snuff is the best way to stay healthy. Several botanicals have a remarkable history of effectiveness if you do catch a cold. These are elderberry, olive leaf extract, allicin stabilized garlic, oregano oil, arabinogalactans and rosemary.12 If your doctor puts you on antibiotics for a more severe complication, be sure and add a good probiotic and prebiotic combination.

1 Sanchez, A.; et al; “Role of Sugars in Human Neutrophilic Phagocytosis” Amer J Clin Nutr 973,26:1180-84.
2 Rennard, B.O.; et al.; “Chicken Soup Inhibits Neutrophil Chemotaxis in Vitro” Chest 2000;118:1150-57.
3 Durfee, A.; Rennard, S.I.; “Free Range Chicken Soup” Chest 2001;119:1978.
4 Barringer, T.H.; et al.; “Effect of a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement on Infection and Quality of Life” Ann Int Med 2003;138:365-371.
5 Beck, M.A.; “Antioxidants and Viral Infections: Host Immune Response and Viral Pathogenicity”  J Nutr 2001;20:384S-388S.
6 Prasad, A.S. “Zinc: Role in Immunity, Oxidative Stress and Chronic Inflammation” Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care Aug 25 2009; [epub ahead of print]
7 Nelson, H.K.; et al.; “Host Nutritional Selenium Status as a Driving Force for Influenza Virus Mutations” FASEB J June 8, 2001; 10.1096/fj.01-0115fje.
8 Intergerst, E.S.; et al.; “Contributions of Selected Vitamins and Trace Elements in Immune Function” Ann Nutr Metab 2007;51:301-23.
9 Wichers, H.; “Immunomodulation by Food: Promising Concept for Mitigating Allergic Disease?” Anal Bioanal Chem 2009;395:37-45.
10 Webb, A.L.; Villamor, E.; “Update: Effects of Antioxidant and Non-Nutritive Vitamin Supplementation on Immune Function” Nut Rev 2007;65:181-217.
11 Roxas, M.; Jurenka, J.; “Colds and Influenza: A Review of Diagnosis and Conventional, Botanical, and Nutritional Considerations” Altern Med Rev 2007;12:25-48.

© 2014 Reposted with permission from NOW University. This article can be found at: http://www.nowuniversity.com/Library/HealthConcerns/AllergyImmuneSystem/077946.htm

How Deadly is Ebola?

Friends having fun at the park

By: David Christopher M.H.

Many people are panicking over the current Ebola outbreak. It reminds me of the Avian Flu concerns and the Swine Flu debacle. If you are not going to Africa, then you should have no concerns. Your chances of getting hit by lightning are greater than your chances of contracting Ebola. Your chances of surviving Ebola are also greater if you follow the protocol set forth in this article.

First, let’s get the facts from the World Health Organization: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a hemorrhagic fever disease which is often fatal (up to 90%, currently running 47% fatal). EVD outbreaks occur primarily in remote villages in central and West Africa. It is not spread through the air but is spread through bodily fluids. It most likely originates from fruit bats and is carried and spread through Primates.

Symptoms are flu-like with onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function and in some cases internal and external bleeding. White blood cell count is low as well as platelet count. Incubation period is 2-21 days and the person is infectious as long as the virus remains in the body (7 709138 VitalerbsiStock_000021748528_ExtraSmallweeks after symptoms disappear).

There is no drug, vaccine, or specific treatment, only supportive care including oral hydration with electrolytes. Natural treatment: Work with the fever not against it, (as explained in Herbal Home Health Care by 4970688551Dr. John R. Christopher MH, ND). Give fresh juices, 16 cloves of Garlic or more per day, take Vitalerbs, Anti-plague syrup [now called Super Garlic Immune], and X-Ceptic.

Prevention: Stay away from wild animal meat (especially raw monkey brains). Be well nourished.

Africa needs to be well-fed not vaccinated!

©2014 Re-posted with permission from Herbal Legacy. This article can be found at http://articles.herballegacy.com/how-deadly-is-ebola/

Herbal Formulas to Have this Cold and Flu Season

By Noell Larsen H.N., M.H. – Oregon

Fall is the perfect time to can and preserve or prepare what the summer has abundantly blessed us with. More specifically, as fall approaches, I find myself taking a mental inventory of the herbal preparations I have on hand, and the ones I will most likely need to restock as the cold winter months approach. Here are a few herbs/ herbal formulas my home surely would not want to be without this upcoming season and a few of the many ways in which we use them:

704700 Kid-e-MuneDr. Christopher’s Kid-E-Mune: Echinacea Angustifolia prepared in a glycerin tincture. I like to use this whenever I feel a child’s immune system could use a boost and when we travel (via airplane) for the holidays. Is especially effective at the very first signs of irritation such as a sore throat or runny nose.

Echinacea Tincture (Alcohol or Glycerin Extract): I like to use this formula with the adults for the same reason of boosting the immune system when needed. Is especially effective at the very first signs of irritation such as a sore throat or runny nose.

Garlic oil: Easy to make yourself and great to use at the first hints/signs of ear infection. Worth it’s weight in gold when applied to the soles of the feet of sick little ones at night (make sure to cover with cotton socks).  Can also be applied on the chest of little ones (and anyone) with coughs.

88551Dr. Christopher’s Super Garlic Immune Formula: With fresh garlic juice, mullein, wormwood, lobelia, marshmallow root, white oak bark, black walnut, skull cap, gravel root, plantain, aloe vera, pure apple cider vinegar and raw honey, using this formula is like bringing out the “big guns” in a battle with any cold and flu.

Dr. Christopher’s Kid-E-Well: A combination of yarrow flower, 704704 Kid-e-wellelder flower, peppermint leaf and echinacea angustifolia makes a great formula to help children work through and overcome the cold and flu.

Dr. Christopher’s Respiratory Massage Oil: A preparation of mullein leaf in oil and very effective in helping the body work through colds that have gone to the chest, especially with little ones. Rub on the chest at night combined with garlic oil and you have a great infection fighting formula that will also help the body expel mucus from the lungs/chest.510045

Mullein: Amazing herb for helping the body rid moisture/mucus from the lungs. This is especially effective for the cough that seems to linger.

Dr. Christopher’s Lower Bowel Formula: A formula of cascara 89101sagrada bark, barberry bark, cayenne pepper, ginger root, lobelia herb, red raspberry leaf, turkey rhubarb root, fennel seed and goldenseal root. When dealing with illness it’s always a first priority to make sure the bowels are functioning properly. Most often blocked eliminatory channels are the tipping point of a virus/bacteria winning in the first responses of our immune system’s attempts to fight them off. Open/regular elimination channels allow the body to function optimally and are generally a sign of a good diet.

Dr. Christopher’s Kid-E-Reg: With slippery elm bark, licorice 44709root, fennel seed, anise seed and fig syrup, you get a kid-friendly version of the lower bowel formula; helping children’s bowels eliminate properly so that the body can more effectively heal. Also effective in helping alleviating the source of post-holiday-stinky-behavior in children who have been eating a less-than optimal diet due to holiday indulgence – not that any of our children do that (sure :-)).

Noell Larsen is a Holistic Nutritionist and Master Herbalist/ Masters of Science graduate of The School of Natural Healing. Together with her husband (a current Medical Student) and as a mother of two children… speaking, writing and tutoring others in health has become a family passion.

©2011 Re-posted with permission from Herbal Legacy. This article can be found at http://articles.herballegacy.com/herbal-formulas-to-have-this-cold-and-flu-season/

Labor & Delivery

Baby building blocks

Dr Mom symbolBy Sandra Ellis

A few months ago, I wrote an article on pregnancy and promised to follow it up with one on Labor and Delivery, so here are some suggestions I have seen help many women as they prepare to give birth. It is my belief that every mother should have the right to give birth wherever and with whomever she feels the safest. So, whether that is a hospital, a birthing center or at home depends on the mother and the support she has from those she loves. No matter where the birth is to take place, there are several things you can do to help promote a safe delivery for both you and your child.

In the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, I suggest using a formula known as Birth-Prep. This is a combination of herbs traditionally used to prepare the body for labor and delivery. The recommended dosage for this formula is:709127 Birth-Prep

  • 6 weeks before due date, one capsule 2 times/day
  • 5 weeks before due date, one capsule 3 times/day
  • 4 weeks before due date, two capsules 3 times/day
  • 3 weeks before due date, three capsules 3 times/day until delivery

As the body prepares the uterus and muscles for birth – there can be sporadic contractions. Sometimes they can even form into a pattern. The difference between these contractions and active labor is that these do not increase in intensity. However, they can be uncomfortable and annoying, especially if they are taking place at night. When this is the case, you may want to cut back on how many capsules you are taking per day or soak in a hot ginger root bath to see if it will help calm things down.

Labor is called labor because it is hard work! However, like any task we take on in life, the better we are prepared the easier the task will be.

Taken from Dr. Mom’s Healthy Living, pg 211: 830250 Dr

Let’s look at how labor works, along with some different techniques you can use to make labor more comfortable. In order for your baby to come out, the cervix or doorway has to open up. Normally, the cervix is shaped kind of like the top of coke bottle. It is long, thick and closed. In order for the baby to pass through, you must efface and dilate. Effacement means the cervix must become soft and flat. This is measured by percentages. Dilation means the cervix must open. This is measured in centimeters. For example, you might be 50% effaced and 3 centimeters dilated. In order to push your baby out, you need to be 100% effaced and 10 centimeters dilated. 

During labor the uterus (a pear-shaped muscular organ) contracts, pulling the cervix open. Most of the feeling associated with contractions is a tremendous amount of pressure; we tend to associate any strong sensation as pain. This is not to say there is no pain involved, but the majority of the sensations is one of pressure. If you can understand what is happening, it will help you to visualize and concentrate in a more effective manner. In understanding what is really happening, we can learn to work with the labor and not against it. 

There are basically four phases to labor: early, active, transitional and pushing. The early phase of labor goes from 0 cm. to approximately 3 cm. Contractions are relatively mild. Many women go to 3 cm. never knowing they are in labor. These contractions may last 30 seconds and be 5 to 20 minutes apart. During this stage of labor a woman is usually happy and excited. If this happens during the day, go for a nice walk; it is important to stay busy and active. This would be a good time for your “nesting” instinct to kick in, pull out the baby clothes, make last minute adjustments to the nursery [and] clean [the] house. It is important during these early contractions to work on breathing techniques and relaxation until they are second nature to you. 

The active phase of labor normally takes you from about 3 to 7 cm. These contractions last about 60 seconds and are usually 3 – 5 minutes apart. You can tell when a woman has hit this stage, even without checking her dilation because of the way her mood changes. This is [when] women begin to concentrate and focus on labor. This is hard work and takes a lot of concentration. 

The transitional phase of labor is the most intense and, thankfully, the shortest phase of labor. This phase will finish taking you to 10 centimeters so your baby can be born. During this phase moods swing, tending toward impatience, being short-tempered and discouraged. Sometimes [they] feel as though they “can’t do this anymore” and that “the baby will never come”. This is usually a sign they are near the finish line. 

The pushing stage happens when the cervix is completely effaced and dilated – the door is open and now you can begin to bear down and push your baby out.

In working with contractions, it is important to remember that every natural contraction has a beginning, a peak and an end. If you recognize this, then you can take advantage of the time in between to rest and allow your body to do the work it was designed to do. Once a contraction is gone, you do not ever have to do that one again.

Comfort Measures

  • Relaxation – It is important to learn how to relax and understand where you carry your tension.
  • Breathing – Learn how to do several different types of breathing. Program yourself to take a cleansing breath at the beginning and end of every contraction, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.
  • Empty the bladder – As labor advances, remind the mother to get up and empty her bladder – this will help the labor to49817 progress and relieve pressure against the uterus.
  • Blue Cohosh – If the due date has arrived and the body is ready, this can help to get labor going.
  • Ear & Nerve tincture (B&B) – This contains Blue & Black Cohosh which are for a sluggish labor. Blue Cohosh helps to promote contractions, Black Cohosh helps to make them effective.
  • Castor Oil – An ounce in juice will clean the bowel and stimulate contractions if a mother is past her due Castor Oildate, and the body is ready for labor (otherwise you will sit on the toilet and then just be miserable).
  • Horsetail tincture – Calcium is a natural pain killer (liquid herbal calcium would also be good).
  • Shock tea – Helps with chills, cold feet, shaking, bleeding, low energy – made with hot water, lemon & honey to taste, along with 10 drops of cayenne tincture to a cup of water.
  • Shepherd’s Purse tincture – Traditionally used to help with uterine bleeding.1755_v3
  • Evening Primrose Oil – Put on or under the cervix – can help to melt away a stubborn cervical lip.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf Tea – Traditionally used to help make labor shorter and easier.
  • St John’s Wart – Used to help with after-birth pains.
  • Ginger root powder and olive oil – In a crock pot of warm water, soak cloth in water and apply to perineum and legs during pushing stage.
  • Post-partum bath – A handful each of the following cut herbs in a cloth: Comfrey, Uva Ursi, Shepherd’s Purse. Add 1/3 of a handful of cut Goldenseal, along with 2 or 5101913 cloves of chopped garlic and 1/3 handful of sea salt. Fold up cloth and rubber band the top together. While filling up the bathtub with water, hold this cloth in the running water, so the herbs will steep into the tub. When full, drop the cloth into the bath water. Within the first 12 to 24 hours after birth, I used to put my mothers and babies into this solution to soak – it was wonderful for both of them to start the healing process.707329 Complete tissue_cut 16 oz
  • Complete Tissue & Bone Tea – Make up some tea and keep in a peri bottle next to the toilet to be used on the perineum after going to the bathroom to help with healing.

In Dr. Mom’s Living Healthy, you will find many more techniques using essential oils, pressure points, reflexology, massage, exercise and other modalities to help you through the challenges of labor and delivery. Most importantly, I hope you recognize what an honor and blessing it is to be a mother and to have the opportunity to participate in the lives of these precious children. It passes so quickly.

“Quiet down cobwebs,
Dust go to sleep,
I’m rocking my baby,
And babies don’t keep.”Newborn wrapped in blue

Dr. Mom is a mother, a grandmother, a master herbalist, a midwife, an author and a teacher.

© 2014. This article is the property of Natures Warehouse.

Raw Zucchini Alfredo

two fresh zucchini isolated

Are you having a hard time using up all the zucchini growing abundantly in your garden? We have a delicious recipe just for you. Try it and let us know what you think!
Raw Zucchini Alfredo
Adapted from LifeExtension Daily News
Serves 2
Ingredients:790201 Redmond-RealSalt Sea-Salt
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt†
  • 2 tablespoons NOW Real Food® Extra Virgin Olive Oil*
  • 2 tablespoons NOW Real Food® Pine Nuts*
  • 6 sun-dried olives or fresh, uncured green olives

For sauce:
  • 1 cup NOW Real Food® Raw Walnuts*
  • 1 cup NOW Real Food® Extra Virgin Olive Oil*
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 squeeze of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground white pepper
  • 2 leaves fresh basil
  • 4 or 5 leaves fresh oregano (or other fresh herbs)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon sea salt† to taste
  1. With a peeler,† make ribbons of zucchini.

    Julienne Peeler
  2. Massage ribbons with garlic, sea salt and olive oil.
For sauce:
  1. In blender, add walnuts, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, nutmeg, white pepper, basil, oregano, water and sea salt.
  2. Blend until creamy.
  3. Pour over zucchini ribbons.
  4. Top with pine nuts, olives and chopped herbs.
Per serving:
549 calories (85% from fat)
55 g total fat (6 g saturated)
0 g cholesterol
11 g carbohydrates
11 g protein
1,141 mg sodium
4 g dietary fiber
*NOW items available at your local health food store
These items are available from natureswarehouse.net
© 2014. Re-posted with permission from NOW foods. This recipe can be found at http://www.nowfoods.com/Foods/Real-Food/Recipes/077592.htm.