Tag Archives: Gallbladder

Dandelion–Wonderful Weed

David Christopher, MH

Dandelions should be used, not cursed. Many foods we cultivate do not even come close in nutrient content to the lowly dandelion, and they[the dandelions] are free. You do not have to plant them or cultivate them or expend any effort on them, they just come up. In Dr. Christopher’s Herb Syllabus, he informs us that 100 grams of Dandelions are packed with 14,000 Mg. of Vitamin A, 187 Mg. of Calcium, 397 Mg. of Potassium, and many other nutrients including proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You could probably live on Dandelions, if you had to. When I leave for work I pick the flowers that have just opened with the sunlight, pop them in my mouth and enjoy the bittersweet flavor. I kind of get a kick out of imagining what the neighbors are thinking about my breakfast munchies.

Dandelions grow so abundantly almost everywhere that it seems logical to think that they are a native flora, but they are not. These aliens were brought over from Europe and spread rapidly. The native populations, who were true naturalists and naturopaths, quickly adopted Dandelion into their healing modalities. The Pillager and Meskwakis used the root for chest pains, Ojibwas [used it] for heartburn, and the blossoms were used as a heart tonic. The leaves were used as a tonic for bruises and the Tewas used them for bone fractures. The plant was also widely used as a food source.

The name Dandelion comes from the jagged leaves which must have reminded people of lion’s teeth. They are called Dent de Lion in French, Dens Leonis in Latin and Leontodon in Greek. Dandelion has been used for hundreds of years with recorded uses by the Arabians and Welch of the tenth and thirteenth centuries up through the present. It was in the United States Pharmacopeia until 1965 and is still accepted in Chinese Medicine today.

Dandelion has the highest plant source of Iron and of course is used for Anemia. It is very effective for liver and gallbladder congestion and has also been used effectively for sluggish spleen and has mild diuretic qualities. Inflammation of the liver is cared for by using one part Dandelion to three parts Marshmallow as a tea. This is consumed every waking hour of the day. There is no toxic level for Dandelion so use it in any quantity that is effective.

Dandelion is an excellent food that can also be used medicinally, so enjoy.

David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also co-hosts the popular radio show “A Healthier You” and is a popular international teacher and lecturer.

©2014 Used with permission from Herbal Legacy.
This article can be found at: http://articles.herballegacy.com/dandelion-wonderful-weed/.

Dr. Christopher’s Extended Cleanse

Dr. Momby Dr. Mom

I often recommend this cleanse as an effective, mild way to cleanse and strengthen the body whether someone is dealing with long-term health problems or just wants to increase his health.

This cleanse involves 4 formulas:

LB/Lower Bowel FormulaCleansing Herbs Dr C
LG/Liver Gallbladder Formula
Kidney Formula
Blood Cleanser

We start with the first three formulas, using them for two weeks before adding in the fourth formula. The reason for this is that we need to make sure the eliminatory channels are all working before we add in the fourth formula.  The fourth formula is a blood cleansing formula – if we do not have all of the eliminatory channels functioning correctly, then as toxins are dumped from the blood, they are sent to a liver which is already in over-load and cannot handle any more toxins, so it gets thrown back into the bloodstream.  If we make sure the channels of elimination are open, then the body can eliminate the toxins as they are being released.

The recommended dosage for the first three formulas are 2 capsules three times per day.  However, when I do this cleanse, I take three capsules twice per day.  The reason I changed it is because you need to allow at least 20 to 30 minutes in between each dose.  If you took all three formulas together it would not hurt you, but it would not be as effective because the body would have to divide its energy between all of the different areas of the body.  It would have to send some to the liver, some to the lower bowel, some to the kidneys, etc.  If you allow time between each dose, then the body can concentrate on one area at a time.  For instance, when you take the lower bowel formula, the body can concentrate all of its energy on the lower bowel, making it much more effective.  So, you can see why I take each twice per day instead of three times per day – it just reduces the number of times I need to be taking capsules.

Now, the recommended dose works fine for the LG and the Kidney formula, but the dosage for the LB has to be adjusted to what you need specifically.  If you are eating 2 to 3 meals per day, then you should be having 2 to 3 bowel movements per day – if not, you are constipated. When an infant is born, it is normal to nurse them and then they fill their diaper – in with the new, out with the old.  We should still function like that.  So, with the LB, we take as much as we need to get 2 to 3 comfortable bowel movements per day.

After two weeks on the first three formulas, we add in the Red Clover/Blood Cleansing formula.  Dr. Christopher recommended that we take these formulas six days a week and then rest on the seventh.  He also recommended that we do this cleanse for six months and then rest on the seventh.  At that point we can re-evaluate where our health is and whether we need to do it again.

© 2014 Natures Warehouse

Liver and Gallbladder

Formerly Barberry LG

If the liver is particularly congested, we suggest the liver-gallbladder formula which contains the herbs:  barberry, wild yam, cramp bark, fennel seed, ginger, catnip and peppermint. This combination will aid in purifying the blood stream. For if the bile does not flow freely into the intestinal tract, it goes directly into the bloodstream and circulates throughout the system causing a toxic condition known as cholemia [causing] indigestion, sluggishness, fever, fatigue, constipation, upset stomach, chills, and vomiting [which are] among some of the symptoms. In addition to the above formula, the castor oil fomentation may be used over the liver. This will open the constipated capillaries within the liver.

Excesses in eating and drinking should be avoided. If gallstones are present and the ducts are blocked, bile may be forced back into the liver and enter into the bloodstream. The skin may take on a jaundiced color. Ultimately, the bile is excreted through the urinary tract. The urine is often dark red or amber color and is very concentrated. Clay color stools are another symptom. During a time of a gallbladder inflammation, heavy eating should not be done. Fruit and vegetable juices are recommended along with the liver-gallbladder herbal formula. The bowels should be kept open and unconstipated through the use of the lower bowel formula [called] Lower Bowel. Olive oil (2 tablespoons, 3 times a day) should be taken to lubricate the bile ducts. Our hydrangea root formula, made with 1 quart of apple juice and one ounce of hydrangea root soaked together for three days in a cool place and taken in two ounce doses during the three day cleanse, is capable of dissolving stones anywhere in the body. Light, more frequent meals are preferred over large heavy ones.


Suggested dose: 1/3 Cup or one or two capsules or tablets, 15 to 20 minutes before a meal.

Barberry                          709103 96dpi 3.2014
Wild yam
Cramp bark
Fennel seed


1.   Liver Transplant Avoided: A 45-year-old man scheduled for a liver transplant took 6 capsules of the Liver and Gallbladder combination three times a day and drank 1/2 gallon of carrot juice each day while waiting for the operation. Four weeks later after a medical exam, he was removed from the waiting list because of his marked improvement (others needed the transplant more than he did). -R.C., Provo, UT [D. Christopher]

2.   Polymyalgia: H.M. of Martha’s Vineyard developed Polymyalgia (pain and stiffness of the muscles) later in life, after her doctor put her on drugs. [The] doctor put her on prednisone to ease pain. However, after two years on this drug, she couldn’t walk. She started taking herbs, trying to find relief. She took Dr. Christopher’s Liver and Gallbladder formula, with Marshmallow and Astragalus for two and half weeks and started feeling better. She started walking again, and her sedimentary rate (lab work) dropped from 74 to 11. Two years later she only has problems with her knees. [D. Christopher]

Useful in Treating:


©2014 Used with permission from http://www.herballegacy.com.
This article can be found at: http://www.herballegacy.com/Liver_and_Gall.html