Tag Archives: antibiotics

Natural Protocol for Systemic Yeast Overgrowth and Leaky Gut Syndrome

Doctor with laptop in doctor's office

By; David W. Christopher M.H.

Yeast overgrowth is generally a side effective of antibiotic therapy. All drugs have side effects and antibiotic usage is no exception. When antibiotic drugs destroy targeted microbes they also destroy the billions of friendly flora that protect the intestinal tract. There are over 200 varieties of friendly flora that are destroyed and the singular pro-biotic, acidophilus will not resolve the problem.

One hardy variety of floras that is beneficial but not affected by antibiotic drugs is Candida Albicans. This yeast grows uncontrollably when checks and balances from other flora are not present. When this yeast takes up all available space in the intestinal tract, it changes its morphology and grows appendages with which it whips against the walls of the intestines creating thousands of small lesions. These lesions provide a pathway for the Candida to enter the blood stream, causing Systemic Candidiasis, which can cause symptoms that mimic many known diseases.

This perforated bowel is referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome. This condition also allows undigested protein to enter the bloodstream. These proteins are foreign to the immune system and are therefore attacked. The immune system remembers these protein invaders and reacts like an allergy each time you consume them. This opens up the possibility of eventually making you allergic to every food you eat.

Since yeast overgrowth can cause symptoms mimicking many diseases, misdiagnosis is common and yeast overgrowth remains undetected allowing it to further colonize, thus creating more side effects and ill health. Many people have suffered for decades going from doctor to doctor, therapy to therapy and eventually being prescribed anti-depressants from doctors who are incapable of a proper diagnosis, so they determine that it is in the head of the patients. This incompetence on the part of modern medicine hopefully leads these unfortunate patients to alternative therapy.

Most alternative therapy focuses on killing off the yeast and providing the body with the pro-biotics. These therapies fail to correct the damaged intestinal tract which allows the yeast condition to return.

The following twenty day protocol addresses all aspects of treatment and can permanently eliminate Systemic Yeast Overgrowth and Leaky Gut Syndrome.

First procedure:510545512634 PauD'Arco

On the first two days consume two quarts of a decoction of Black Walnut and Pau d’ arco (one quart each day). This is made by simmering the herbs in water for twenty minutes at the rate of one tablespoon of the combined herbs (equal parts) per cup of water. An easier alternative would be to take five capsules five 709143 Intestinal Sweeptimes a day of Dr. Christopher’s Intestinal Sweep Formula. This procedure will kill off the yeast, which on other programs can make you feel very nauseous. This nauseous feeling is avoided by taking plant-based digestive enzymes in large amounts (triple the stated dosages on the label) and flushing out with Dr. Christopher’s Lower Bowel formula during these first two days.

89101NOTES: The Lower Bowel formula can be taken the whole time if needed. You should have 3 bowels movements a day and the amount of Lower Bowel taken is the amount needed to give you 3 bowel movements a day. It is most important during that first procedure so that the body is eliminating the yeast etc.

Second procedure:

709142 Soothing Digestion512174 Slippery Elm Bark PowderFor the next 14 days, take five capsules five times per day of Dr. Christopher’s Soothing Digestion formula, or one tablespoon of slippery elm gruel five times a day. Either of these methods will coat, soothe and heal the lesions in the intestinal wall. (You can continue to take the Intestinal Sweep Formula 2 capsules 3 times a day during this time.)

Third procedure:

For the next two days repeat the first procedure.

Fourth procedure:

Take copious (triple the stated dosages on the label) amounts of643105Apple Cider Vinegarprobiotic multi-strain Pro-biotics to re-establish the flora. Further aids would be to eat raw sauerkraut, Kim Chi, raw apple cider vinegar, Rejuvelac, or miso in large amounts, which are the exact foods to stay away from if you have leaky gut syndrome, yet they rebuild the flora once the leaky gut is healed.

The pro-biotics need to be taken for about a week to rebuild the flora.

Note: It is absolutely essential that you do not feed the yeast during this procedure. Therefore, do not consume any sugar or alcohol in any form. This includes all dairy, grains, and fruit. So enjoy twenty days of a wonderful vegetable, nuts, seeds and sprouted legume diet; thus insuring a healthy life, free of Systemic Yeast Overgrowth.

©2010 Re-posted with permission from Herbal Legacy. This article can be found at http://articles.herballegacy.com/natural-protocol-for-systemic-yeast-overgrowth-and-leaky-gut-syndrome/


Natural Herbal Treatment of Bronchitis Without the use of Steroids or Other Drugs

iStock_000019993590_SmallBy Jim Spalding, M.H.

Have you ever been unable to breathe well? What a desperate feeling! What an equally helpless and panicky feeling to watch as a small child or other loved one struggles to get breath to sustain life. If you know what I am talking about you have probably been through the conventional route of treatments [such as] [a]ntibiotics, possibly inhalers, maybe even oral steroids like cortisone. Some people may wonder what is wrong with these conventional treatments.

Before getting into the natural herbal treatment of bronchitis, consider the regular drug treatments that are given. Medical textbooks say that you will find inflammation of the bronchial walls and/or spasm of the muscles surrounding the bronchioles when bronchitis is occurring. These can be brought about by infection or irritation to the area.

When we use antibiotics, we treat bacterial infection. If there is viral infection, then antibiotics do no good at all. An antibiotic will not kill a virus. The antibiotic will also be useless if the bronchitis is due to an irritation–either chemical or allergic. Even if the condition starts with a bacterial infection, an antibiotic is not effective in getting rid of the inflammation or bronchial constriction. The only positive action of an antibiotic is to kill bacteria. Their side effects can range from mild digestive distress such a diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting to fungal infections, kidney damage, deafness, and even fatal anaphylactic shock. They are Russian roulette in a pill. I personally will not take them unless there is absolutely no other effective remedy for a situation. I have not found that situation yet.

Inhalers can be helpful as a temporary crutch in some types of bronchitis. They can contain [either] a drug that relaxes the muscles surrounding the bronchial tubes or a drug that reduces the swelling in the wall in the bronchial tubes. They also have side effects including increased blood pressure, nervousness, tremors, headache, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, oral thrush infection and weakening of the muscles of the larynx. These are only a few of the problems reported. Among all drug treatments for bronchitis, these are the least harmful.

Oral steroids such as cortisone are drugs that treat only the inflammation (swelling) in the walls of the bronchial tubes. They do not do away with the cause of the swelling. The side effects of these drugs would take a couple of pages. Among them are suppression of our own natural steroid production, disruption of the menstrual cycle, worsening of diabetes, acne, weight gain, fragile skin, depression, insomnia, osteoporosis leading to bone fractures and so forth. In short, they can possibly ruin your health. There must be a better way!

I am so relieved that there IS a better way. One of the best remedies of which I am aware is a tea made from a combination of 510045lobeliaMullein and Lobelia in a 3:1 ratio. When you hear this story, you will be able to understand my gratitude to our Creator for these herbs.

A few months ago I found out that my little grandson–going on three–had been sick with bronchitis for at least three weeks. Two rounds of antibiotics later, he was still suffering. Mama and Papa were getting very little sleep as he struggled to get his breath. Brothers and sisters were irritable because they weren’t sleeping well either. My grandson looked bad. When I found out about this, I immediately went out to the farm and educated Mama on how to use these herbs. She did it. A tea of these herbs was made and applied to the chest. When I followed up with a phone call the next day, I was told that he was breathing easily and all had slept better!

I hope that this makes life better for someone you love.

Jim Spalding is a Master Herbalist graduate of The School of Natural Healing. Speaking, writing, and individually teaching have become his way of advancing the health of this country. For questions and other help, contact can be made through his web site at http://natural-healingwithherbs.com/.

© 2012 Used by permission of Herbal Legacy. This article can
be found at http://articles.herballegacy.com/bronchitis/.